Establish the drainage slope. The yard around your house should slant away from
the house at a minimum slope of 3/4" per ft. for at least 10 ft. Till the soil or add new
soil around the house perimeter. Drive a wood stake next to the house and another 10
ft. out. Tie a level mason’s string between the stakes, and then move the string down
at least 2 1/2" at the end away from the house, establishing your minimum slope.

Redistribute the soil with a steel garden rake so the grade follows the slope line.
Add topsoil at the high end if needed. Do not excavate near the end of the slope to
accommodate the grade. The goal is to build up the yard to create runoff.

Use a grading rake to smooth out the soil so it slopes at an even rate. Drive
additional stakes and tie off slope lines as necessary.

Tamp the soil with a hand tamper or plate compactor. Fill in any dips that occur with
fresh dirt. Lay sod or plant grass or groundcover immediately.

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